
Wu Yuan said

Of course, I will as soon as possible propose marriage, the sooner the better. Xue Han a, Wu Yuan said makes sense, By now, the only thing the case.Then we hurry, hurry up register now! Wu Yuan said, next Monday, will you?Han Xue gently looked Wuyuan, nodded his head.Clear and crisp, cloudless blue sky. Sunshine through the window, lazily covered room. Marlee woke up very late, would not in bed together. She knows that this school will come when South Korea and went to her bedside, affectionately, said: Get up bar, lazy child. Oh, lazy child, a terrible ah, loss of his absurd.Today, however, the room silent. Marlee shouted: Zhang Sister, Sister ... ...Zhang care Marlee Sister is in the kitchen doing breakfast, she heard shouting Marlee, came out quickly.

